(714) 847-2519
18861 Beach Boulevard
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
        (714) 847-2519                       

714 847 2519

Cost-Effective Pet Vaccinations

Ensure your dog or cat is up to date on all his or her shots. Beach Garfield Veterinary Hospital in Huntington Beach, California, provides cost-effective pet vaccinations. We are now also offering in-home grooming, nail trimming, and bathing for dogs and cats.

Feline Vaccines

  • Feline FVRCP
  • Leukemia

Feline Spay and Neuter

  • Feline Spay
  • Neuter

Dog Vaccines

  • Bordetella 
  • Rabies 
  • Da2pp 

Surgery to go home instructions.  Spay and Neuter info. 

  • We recommend a physical exam at least once a years, we also recommend blood work and X-rays once a year to make sure we catch any diseases or anything before it is too late. 
  • Spay and neuter are recommended because of health reasons. Like pyometra disease in the female and some prostatic and testicular diseases in the male. Pluse behavior benefits. 
  • Spay and neuter should only be done if your pet is healthy. It can always wait if there is anything going on until they are healthy.
  • Based on Size and Weight, Please call for pricing for spays and neuters. 
  • please monitor your pet after any surgery, pain and discomfort is common after any surgery.
  • please restrict your pet after surgery, any activity could result in more pain and complications. and some pet can be in sever pain even on pain meds. it is always the first 24 to 48 hours that has the most pain. 
  • Do not apply anything to the surgery site. no food after surgery for at least 12 hours but water is ok.
  • after surgery many pets will act very strange for the first 24 hours and it is normal. but if you think you have a pet emergency please call the pet  ER at 949 261 7979  address .  3720 Campus Dr. st D. Newport Beach CA 92660
Contact us in Huntington Beach, California, to learn more about the pet vaccinations we provide.
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