(714) 847-2519
18861 Beach Boulevard
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
        (714) 847-2519                       

714 847 2519

Pet Dental Care

Vet with Dog - Pet Dental Care
Let the professionals at Beach Garfield Veterinary Hospital maintain your cat's or dog's teeth. We provide pet dental care, which is important to your pet’s overall health. 

Oral Care for Your Pet

Oral health care is very important and is an often overlooked, but serious component of our pet’s health care. A good sound oral health program and regular dental cleanings, will provide comfort and longevity to your pet’s life, as well as make them more pleasant to be around.

Dogs and cats both need routine dental care and cleanings. We offer advice on home dental care and give you options on how to achieve the best results. Ask us how we can assist you in providing oral care for your pet.
We Provide: 
  • Oral Dental Exams
  • Comprehensive Dental Cleanings, Polishing, and Fluoride Treatments
  • Minor Oral Surgery including, Tooth Extractions, Fistula Repairs, Removal of Oral and or gingival Tumors, and More 
  • A Referral Network to Veterinary Dentists and Specialists available (As Needed)
  • Monitored General Anesthesia through Our Knowledgeable, Well Trained doctors and Technicians with the Aid of Digital Monitoring for the Vital Signs, heart and breathing monitoring.
  • We do All minor and major Surgical Extractions including root abscesses.
  • Home Dental Care Instructions and Product Recommendations.
  • All Anesthetic Patients Have a Designated Technician/Nurse Assigned to Them at All Times.
  • Comprehensive Pain Management for Any Oral Procedure. 


many people have lots of confusions about vaccines, here is the basics. 

puppy and kitten vaccines 
start at 6 week
repeated vaccines every 2 to 4 weeks until the age of 14 weeks. 

Puppy vaccines: 
Da2pp repeated at least 3 times, 
Bordetella repeated 2 times
Rabies only once and good for the first year then every 3 years after the first year. 

Kitten vaccines:
Fvrcp repeated at least 3 times. 
Felv  repeated 2 times. 
Rabies  only once then every 3 years after the first year. 
it is recommended to do a felv test, heart worm test and a fecal.

all vaccines should be repeated once a year but Rabies every 3 years. 

If your pet is experiencing any discomfort or dental disease, please contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians.
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